About my experience
International lectures and presentations
I have variety of experience about international work and audiences. My topics usually consider subjects like Culture & Art as part of health and social care institutions and art production and concepting art based models for healthcare. Here few examples.
Intercultural collaboration between art & social and health care organisations / Art of Management symposium, London UK
Creative ways of collaboration between art and health & social care organisations / Budapest, Hungary
Producing cultural practices in social and healthcare setting/ Metropolia AMK
Participatory service design/ Metropolia AMK
Art of Silence - Meditative and Artful approach for Wellbeing & Health/ Longdom 1st International Conference On Anesthesia, Pain Management And PalliativeCare 2021, Switzerland
Concepting value based models for art, culture and social and healthcare sectors /Art of Staying Healthy/NDPC/Europe
Art, Wellbeing & health in social and healhtcare settings /Metropolia AMK
What is the role of cities, art and wellbeing for health? /Eurocities meeting, Espoo
Art Residency Program in Institutions - City of Jyväskylä as a pilot /Rovaniemi, Tampere
Joie de Vivre - project for establishing older people dance in UK and Finland /Cardiff, UK. People dancing conference 2014.
Festival production: finance, marketing, communication, infrastructure & human resources. University of applied sciences Mikkeli, 2017. Course for international producer students and adult students.
Cultural production in health care and social care
Project examples
Artist in residence in social and healthcare units -concept design and delivering in care homes an hospital units 2015-2022. Arts promotion centre Finland / New Beat
Hospital Nova Participatory Art Program leader, concept design and implementing 2018-2022 (ongoing project). Arts Promotion Centre, New Beat, Lime Arts
AIR Artist in Residence in hospital units consulting partner. Lime Art Manchester, UK.
Art Pharmacy developer and older people cultural designer in city Jyväskylä. 2013-2015
Dance in nursing homes project manager, and leader 2009-2013. Dance Centre of Central Finland.
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Eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi
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Magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem
Ensimmäinen palvelu
Dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem
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Commodi consequatur quis autem
Kolmas palvelu
Voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit
Neljäs palvelu
Ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt